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ETHistory 1855-2005 | Rückblicke | Departemente | MATL | Future Perspectives |

Future Perspectives

The turn of the new millennium has witnessed immense changes in the Department, with the departure of Prof. E. Wintermantel for Munich, the promotion of Prof. U.W. Suter to Vice President for Research at the ETH, the transfer of Professor J. Hubbell to the EPF-Lausanne, and the retirement of Professors M.O. Speidel and P.L. Luisi. Great change brings with it great opportunity, and seven new members of Department will be arriving in Zurich over the next year. Among these are Asst. Prof. Jörg Löffler in the Metals Research area and Prof. Viola Vogel in Biologically Oriented Materials Science. We look forward to the completion of our renewed and enlarged Department over the next year.


Not only the faces, but also the location of the Department will also be changing in 2004, when, for the first time, the Department will be under one roof on the ETH-Hönggerberg.

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